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Monday, 30 March 2015

Out Like A Lion

So far, 2015 has been full. Of surprises, of challenges, of revelations, of responsibilities. But I can see a bit of space opening up in the near future and I'm looking forward to getting my thoughts down more often. I'm happy to share this week's 99 word flash fiction challenge, Courtesy of Carrot Ranch Communications. Check out the contributions from the many talented Rough Writers

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My head hurts. The pressure has been building for two days in advance of the storm that's moving our way. I want to lie down. I want to get in the car and drive away. I want to forget the way he left this morning. What he said. What I didn’t.

Instead, as the dark rumbles grow louder, I move out to the porch to feel the wind. To watch it whip up leaves and the dirt in ever expanding dervishes. To watch the chaos of rain and light that’s working its way through me and into the sky.


  1. Love this! So glad to have you back writing and flashing. The world needs your words.

  2. Thanks, Sarah. I'm glad to have my words welcomed so nicely.

  3. I had to read this several times. It is so good and evocative. I can imagine the storm approaching and the sound of the wind, echoing words that were said and left unsaid.
    I want to know what happened and what will happen. Just lovely.

    1. Thank you. Really appreciate your comments. I want to know what happens too. Maybe next week?

  4. It is a beautiful flash, full of brooding suspension. And I agree -- the world needs your words! I'm glad you had an opening of space!

  5. Thanks, Charli. I always have so much fun writing flash for Carrot Ranch.

  6. So much drama in so few words. A powerful piece of flash!

  7. Great flash. It portrays wonderfully the chaos of the weather and the channelling for the emotion of the woman abandoned with her words unsaid. Wonderful visual pictures drawn.
